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the ANSWERS you’re LOOKING for!


Is there a way I can lower the cost of my premium?

In most cases the only way to make coverage any cheaper is to either remove benefits or reverse age. I wish I could help you with that one! 😉 Also, the cost of the premium depends on the state you reside in. Some states tend to be cheaper than others.

What is the difference between ACA/Obamacare and Private Insurance?


ACA/Obamacare is major medical coverage that you cannot be denied for due to any pre-existing conditions. It is most affordable IF you get a government subsidy on the monthly premiums. If you aren’t getting that discount, it is way more expensive than most plans out there. These plans are based on income and age and have limited coverage in your zip code/county.  You can only sign up during the “open enrollment period” which is typically between November 1 – December 15.
Private insurance is based on health so there is an application process because not everyone may qualify.  If you are healthy, you are getting a preferred rate so it is cheaper than most plans and you get better coverage. They are PPO plans with Nationwide coverage. There is no contract and you can cancel anytime. Private plans are available year-round.

Do you offer other insurance plans besides health?


Absolutely. I can help you with Dental, Vision, Life, Critical Illness and Income Protector (Short-term Disability.)


How much does it cost to work with me?


Working with me is completely FREE! You only pay for the benefits you sign up for. If you purchase a plan that I present to you, my company compensates me. The best part! Once you have the plan, you receive my concierge 24/7 support for the life of your health insurance policy.